Thursday, December 13, 2012


I've been fasting for many hours now, still the first day though. And not planning to fast tomorrow, since I've reached my first goal weight. I'm gonna try to keep it off the rest of these 2 weeks. Gonna still watch my caloric intake, and do more workout after I eat.

The technique where you have a rubber band on your wrist and snap it everytime you feel hungry works really well. It makes me think that hunger is pain and I really don't feel like eating at all. So far all I've had was half a cup of water to relieve thirst that doesn't really come often like usual. I didn't feel like eating at all although today I had Christmas celebrations at school.

I weighed myself earlier before I took a shower and I was so happy that I weighed 121.5 pounds. That's just so awesome. Then after I got dressed and weighed myself again, I hit 122.5. I wonder if it's because of the clothes or I just gain weight by walking to my parent's room. I was wearing sweatpants and shirt though.

Why do people have to tell me I'm getting skinnier or I'm too skinny? Are they jealous? Fuck you. Stop telling me what to do, what to eat, what to think about myself. I know what I really am and how I really look like. Don't even try to get into my thing. Fuck off.

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