Sunday, March 17, 2013

Compulsive Eating Disorder

This is crazy. I've only left this blog for couple weeks, or months, but I've gained so much. Like right now I probably weigh nearly 130. I don't dare to get on the scales lately. I've been dealing with compulsive eating disorder, and yes, I'm fucking losing Ana. I miss her.

Shitty days have passed. Tomorrow I'm going to do a 5 and a half days fast at least. I promised I'm going to Skype my crush next weekend. I have to be skinny by then. Plus my whole family will be gone so I can starve and shit, and reach 110 when they got home. I have to lose this excess 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Not sure if I can do that though but fuck it, whatever it takes.

I used to have the flat stomach but now I have thunder thighs, arms, stomach, face. Everything! I swear I'm losing at least 10 pounds next week. I don't get depressed, I'm not happy, I'm just basically numb.

I've been working out but I don't want to make muscle mass. Both fat and muscles are just nightmares. And I realized I can't rant all the time and eat at the same time too. This is hell. Seriously.


  1. By the way ur blog is great and ur so strong
    So please contact me again thnx



  4. Hi I just happened to randomly come across your blog. I understand how you feel... I have been dieting for 9 days, but I had a slip this weekend and binged, and now I probably gained back all the weight I lost. Now I am fasting. Ugh, gaining weight f**king sucks...

    Stay strong! Feel free to talk to me any time if you need to xx

  5. i just discovered your blog, and i had a read through..
    dont worry, we all come across these hurdles, but coming across one always makes you stronger. its a fact..
    hang in there and remember things will get better!
    i'm here if you ever want to talk! xx

    1. Hi :) Thank you! Well, I always hope things will get better but it never does :( Do you use iMessage or email so we can talk easier? x

  6. Stay strong I have lived of 500 calories a day and exercised 1/2 of them off for the last 3 months but the last Two weeks have been awful and I binged need to get back on track X

  7. I used to be so good, able to eat only 400-500 calories a day of just fruits and vegetables but recently ive lost complete control - every day i pledge to work out and eat hardly anything and then i just end up binging and eating huge amounts. do you have any advice... i need to get back on track but i cant

    1. Hello, sorry I haven't been around for a while. And wow, that's good thing. You just have to remember how skinny or the feeling you used to have when you didn't eat so much and try to get back on track like that. Workout really works. It makes you feel better therefore more positive about losing weight. I'm sure you're gonna get over it as soon as you set your mind to it. Workout should be the first thing to do in the morning.

  8. Last summer was brill cos I weighed 110 pounds but now I am 125 and am worrying cos I am 5"4 and I am fat. I am 14 years old, what can I do?

  9. hi..i have ed too.
    when i search of sites and blogs about it and stuff they're deleted/the last update is from 2008 or something.
    i really want to be a part in the circle of these blogs. i kinda found you and you are really cool,,

    1. Thanks. Haha. Well if you wanna talk to me just email me at
      I barely check my blog so yeah..

  10. I need help! I'm new at this and I can't control my eating. I crave thigh gaps, collar bones, ribs, hip bones, and control. help anyone????

    1. Sure, don't hesitate to email me at
      I'll see you there :)
